MUSIC / T-Shirt Portrait

I portrayed Bianca, a young woman whose music and sense of humour has drawn me for years—can’t let go, can’t help it. ... More

Bianca Alatorre

by Sophie Caby

On a rainy LA winter morning, I met Stevie at her Pasadena home, just a few days before she was to release ... More

Stevie Scott

by Jan-Willem Dikkers

Strolling in and out of the Pacific Ocean with Russian Red on a bright afternoon makes me the luckiest photographer. As I ... More

Lourdes Hernández

by Sophie Caby

I love shooting Zelly because she’s so natural and easy to work with. We drove around Silverlake looking for locations and honestly ... More

Zelly Dugan

by Cynda McElvana

Up on a hill, Cat Pierce opens the door of her Silverlake home to reveal a warm interior echoing her personality; full ... More

Cat Pierce

by Sophie Caby

It was around the holidays and I had just moved to Los Angeles from Brooklyn. I was at my friend’s house for ... More

Ofelia K

by Abby Wright

T-shirts can be all things to people, from a status symbol to a memory trigger. What do they represent to you? Lately ... More


by Teal Thomsen