Tag Archive: Los Angeles

Moses Sumney

August 7, 2014 7:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Moses Sumney has a homemade brand of soul—on the surface often gentle, meditative, bare, but as his voice pitches and lulls it’s ... More


July 26, 2014 12:06 am Published by Leave your thoughts

On Thursday, July 17th, Sonos Studio premiered their newest exhibition entitled, “Algo-Rhythms.” Showcasing DevArt, or software-based art, Algo-Rhythms focuses on how music, ... More

Bata Tennis

July 22, 2014 12:47 am Published by Leave your thoughts

They’re back! To celebrate its 120th anniversary, Bata has relaunched the iconic Bata Tennis shoe, originally manufactured for physical education classes at ... More


July 21, 2014 6:12 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Los Angeles-based band YACHT and design studio Public-Library just released a new iPhone app: 5 Every Day. The app features five fun ... More

Soft Target

July 17, 2014 7:33 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Soft Target is a large summer group show at M+B gallery {612 N. Almont Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90069} that runs from ... More


July 16, 2014 12:39 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Dasariski is a 3 man improv comedy team. Bob Dassie is the “D-A-S” of the three-names-in-one team. He can be seen most ... More